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/ dj_xinkuang
  《广西环江县洞降锌矿勘探》探矿权首次设立时间为2007年11月2日,探矿证号为 T45120100102039654,有效期限:2013年11月22日-2015年11月2日,勘查面积10.64km2,区块位于1:5万图幅号:G49E017001,探矿权人为环江金泰矿业有限责任公司,勘查单位为天津市北地质勘查局核工业二四七大队。

Guangxi Huanjiang county Donjiang zinc mine exploration (80 coordinates)
The exploration right was approved for the first time on November 2, 2007. The prospecting licence number was T45120100102039654, the valid term: November 22, 2013 - November 2, 2015. The exploration area was 10.64km2, block is located in 1:50000 map number: G49E017001. The exploration licensee was authorized to HuanjiangJintai mining co., Ltd., the prospecting unit was the nuclear industry 247group of North geological exploration bureau in Tianjin.
According to the report from Nuclear industry 247group of North geological exploration bureau in Tianjin,the initial proven resources in the mining area (332 + 333) ore was 2.2225 million tons, with lead 2456 tons and zinc 55411 tons, which has fully exploited value.